

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are very common; one out of five adults have this condition.

Gallstones are literally small stones like objects within the gallbladder. They are formed when there is an imbalance in liver secretions including bile salts and other chemicals. These are normally a part of the bodies systems which are used for the digestion of fat. Just like any of the bodies systems, unfortunately, there are susceptible to malfunction which in this case can result in gallstones.

Gallstones do not always cause symptoms and therefore do not always need to be treated. But for those with symptoms, treatment is strongly recommended.

In severe cases infection of the gallbladder can occur, infection of the liver and also pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). The complications of gallstones can be very severe.

There are many non-conventional theories about how gallstones should be treated if they are causing problems. In general, they do not dissolve, and they should not be reduced to smaller pieces as this can result in further problems.

Once diseased, the gallbladder will continue to form stones and is less productive within the body, its ability to assist in food digestion decreases.

Surgery: The current best treatment for gallstones is to remove the entire gallbladder and stones. This procedure is called a ‘Cholecystectomy’ and is performed using keyhole surgery.

Symptoms of gallstones


Abdominal Bloating

Abdominal Pain


Diagnosing Gallstones:

Gallstones are diagnosed most commonly by:

〇 Abdominal Ultrasound

Treatment Options:

Surgery: The current best treatment for gallstones is to remove the entire gallbladder and stones. This procedure is called a ‘Cholecystectomy’ and is performed using keyhole surgery.

Our surgeons at Melbourne Gastro Oesophageal Surgery can offer a cholecystectomy for gallstones. Please call (03) 9416 4418 for more info. Requires a valid referral to our surgeons.